What is P.A.C.K.?
Shannock Valley Elementary implements the P.A.C.K. Program to promote positive behavior and quality learning in our school. Our P.A.C.K. Program is derived from a research-based, school-wide system of behavioral support called PBIS.
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.
PBIS is a proactive approach to help parents and school staff create and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment, promote positive life skills, and reduce negative behaviors so that all children can succeed in school.
Has your student ever shared with you that they earned a P.A.C.K. ticket?

P.A.C.K. tickets can be earned by students for demonstrating P.A.C.K. Principles.

When a P.A.C.K. ticket is earned for good behavior then students cut the ticket into two sections. The largest section is a token of recognition that students can share with their families. The smaller portion is the student's chance to win a prize at the end of the nine weeks. Students hope to win one of 14 pretty awesome prizes!
At the end of each grading period, tickets are drawn and winners are announced. Students cheer and congratulate the winners during the P.A.C.K. assembly.
Here are a few winners from years past -

We had to get creative with the 2020 - 2021 P.A.C.K. assemblies due to social distancing. Enjoy the following videos created by Mr. Everett!
All students win a school-wide reward as well! These quarterly awards vary and keep students excited and striving to follow the P.A.C.K. Principles. In the past we have done anything from pumpkin decorating to sled riding to egg hunts!
That's not all! Students that maintain positive attitudes, strive for achievement, and practice cooperation and kindness work towards a class-wide reward. Homeroom teachers place stickers on the chart when a student earns a Power PACK ticket. Once the chart is filled then the teacher can plan a special activity for a job well done. Teachers have shown a movie, enjoyed a special snack, or even gave extra recess time!

Believe it or not, students who behave positively can also be awarded by receiving the following:

Students can even earn an elevator coupon!!

Student behaviors are observed by all teachers as they go about their school day. Any teacher or staff member can pass out P.A.C.K. tickets for positive behavior. When a student is recognized for making good choices and earns a "Power P.A.C.K." ticket they beam with pride and accomplishment of a job well done!
The basic philosophy of PBIS is:
- Teach students how they are expected to behave.
- Reinforce and acknowledge positive behavior and the use of tools and strategies that support them.
- Provide support for students as they learn to manage their behavior.
- Evaluate and adapt based on team recommendations.
During the first week of school teachers and students are practicing procedures
so that the classroom runs smoothly and learning can happen.
Students learn and review the correct way to behave through discussion and fun videos. Take a look:
Bus Expectations

Classroom Expectations

Hallway Expectations

Restroom Procedures

Cafeteria Expectations

Playground Procedures

Expectations have been taught to all students and reviewed often. Incentives are in place, explained to students, and attainable.
What if a student still chooses to misbehave?
Teachers keep track of negative behaviors on a "Minor Behavior" chart which accompanies classes of students to special areas (music, art, library, health and gym), lunch, and recess. If a student receives 3 marks for the same minor offense in the same week it then is considered a "major" offense. A referral form is completed and given to our principal, Mr. Fair. Mr. Fair will then meet with the student to discuss a consequence and families will be notified.

Data Collection
The PBIS Team collects the minor behavior charts each week to identify areas of concern within SVE that need to be changed, adjusted, or put in place to help students be successful academically and socially within the school environment.
The PBIS Team
- Team Leaders:
- Mr. Fair - SVE principal
- Mrs. Buffone - 2nd grade teacher
- Data Analyst:
- Mr. Rearick - guidance counselor
- Recorder:
- Mrs. Gourley - 3rd grade teacher
- Communicator:
- Mrs. Schreckengost - 2nd grade teacher
- Reporter:
- Mr. Everett - music teacher
- Behavior Specialist:
- Mrs. Parks - Title I
- Mrs. Shafer - School Psychologist
- PBIS Facilitators:
- Mrs. Buffone and Mr. Rearick
- ARIN PBIS Coach:
- Wendy Williams
Shannock Valley Elementary School has been recognized for implementing PBIS with Fidelity at Tier I - Universal Level - What an honor!!

Our recognition banner hangs in the Kindergarten lobby next to our Power Pack Prize Showcase.
2020 - 2021 School Year's Final Pack Video and Elks Award Winners!
As the End-of-the-Year 2020 - 2021 schoolwide reward, students had the opportunity to participate in a virtual talent show sponsored by P.A.C.K.
The PBIS Team invited this Anti-Bullying Assembly to SVE! It was incredible and shared an important message!

We are looking forward to a great school year!