Packet Day 4

  1. Read "Fireflies" and answer the questions.  Remember to go back and highlight where it gives the answers.
  2. "Read and Respond" pages - You are to read the story then check mark the first box.  Re-read the story 2 more times and check mark the next two boxes.  Once you have read the story 3 times, then you can answer #2 and #3
  3. "Find the Baseword and Suffix" activity - Follow the directions.  We have done this before.  Remember that you might have called the base word a root word.  It is the same thing.  The suffix is the ending that is added to the word.  In this case it will be the "s" which is added.  Don't forget to say these words.outloud.
  4. The "Dogerific Drawing" page will be fun.  Finish drawing the face on the dog and then write about that dog.  Don't forget that you can use adjectives which are words that describe.  Example color words  black, brown, even spotted.
  5. Do the "Let's Make a Sentence!"  like you have been doing.  
  6. Complete the "Basic Subtraction" page.  Don't for get that you are taking away.  So your answer will be smaller than the number that you started with.  (Ex. 9-5=4 which is smaller than 9)
  7. The "Base Tens" page looks harder than it is, but it is easy.  Look at the number 39.  Determine that there are 3 groups of ten.  Color 3 sticks or groups of ten at the left of the 100 block.  Then look at the 9 which tells us that there are 9 left over.  So you will color 9 blocks on the next stick.  Don't forget to write how many tens and ones and the total number.
You are doing a great job!