Fri. Apr. 24 Important Testing Information

I have assigned the on-line reading test under Pearson assignments.  The short passage that they are to read may be difficult for some.  It seems that this is the time when Pearson makes a huge jump in what is expected from the students.  Because of this and because I am not able to actually work with them every day in person going over concepts and skills, I have decided to send the PDF copy of the reading test.  I may still have to assign it on Pearson, but the students will at least be able to see the test and ask for assistance if they need.  Then they can take the test on-line.  I know that this is not what we would have done in our classroom, but these are strange and difficult times.  I don't want anyone to worry or get stressed out by this.
I have also attached a multiple choice answer spelling test to the Pearson site.  This should be fairly easy for the students.  I am NOT going to give the language test for this story.  I know I said that I would, but I think that this would be a LOT for the children to have to complete.
REMINDER -the Pearson site will be down over the weekend.  So reading and spelling are due on Monday, April 27.